Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Gili Trawangan's Quiz

Hey, hey, Bloggers!
We meet again in my blog. Now I'm going to give you some question about Gili Trawangan!

1.       There are 3 gilis in the northwest side of Lombok island. What is the nearest gilis from Lombok island?
a.       Gili Trawangan
b.      Gili Air
c.       Gili Lombok
d.      Gili Meno
e.      Gili Bali
2.       Gili Trawangan is an island with …… long and …… wide.
a.       50 m, 30 m
b.      3 km, 2 km
c.       2 km, 3 km
d.      4 km, 3 km
e.      3 km, 3 km
3.       There are 3 ways to go to Gili Trawangan from Lombok island. Can you mention all the 3 ways?
a.       Bangsal, Nare bay, Senggigi beach
b.      Bangsal, Nanggu, Senggigi beach
c.       Bali, Nanggu, Nare bay
d.      Bangsal, Nare bay, Bali
e.      Pare bay, Bangsal, Senggigi beach
4.       What is a Cidomo?
a.       A modern cart from India
b.      A modern cart from Lombok
c.       A cart with 3 wheels from Lombok
d.      A traditional motoric cart from Lombok
e.      A traditional cart from Lombok
5.       When is the best time to see Gili Trawangan’s panorama?
a.       On January
b.      At 12 a.m.
c.       When the sun sets
d.      When the rainbow appear
e.      On the rainy season
6.       What is the meaning of ‘Gili’?
a.       Island
b.      Big island
c.       Little island
d.      Beautiful island
e.      Ancient island
7.       What is the activity that we can’t do in Gili Trawangan?
a.       Swimming
b.      Stay in hotels
c.       Ride a bike
d.      Ride a car
e.      Snorkeling

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